File Permissions

Subject: File Permissions
From: Kelly S. Smelser (
Date: Wed Oct 03 2001 - 12:09:19 EDT

    I am trying to setup a class "Deliver File" volume in which members
of the UNIX group associated with University faculty have RX access and
students have WX access. That is, students may write to the volume but
may not view the submissions to the volume by other students. What I
found is that despire the fact that the directory permissions in UNIX
are set to RWXR-X-WX there is a problem because Macintosh files are not
copied with proper permissions on them. Thus, we find files gaining
permissions in the "Deliver File" that they should not have because they
are not properly assuming the permissions of the parent directory. I've
been looking over man pages and haven't found a way to solve this
problem. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Kelly S. Smelser
Labs Manager, Client Services (Information & Technology Services)
Univeristy of Indianapolis

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