Re: tracking logins

Subject: Re: tracking logins
From: Cliff Crawford (
Date: Wed Apr 25 2001 - 11:12:44 EDT

* R Cent <> menulis:
> Thanks for the reply.
> I have examined the /var/log/messages,
> /var/log/messages1,..../var/log/messages4 on my server. Each
> contain a week's worth of logins. My server has been up for
> about 4 months yet I only have five weeks of log-in records.
> This doesn't help if I want to see if a user hasn't use his
> account with in several months.
> Does your system keep /var/log/messages farther back in time?

No, but I haven't needed to go back that far yet :) The logs are
rotated by a cron script, so you could just set it to do it monthly
instead of weekly.

Cliff Crawford
birthday party cheesecake jellybean BOOM

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