Re: Off Topic DNS problem

Subject: Re: Off Topic DNS problem
From: Mike Johnson (
Date: Fri Jan 19 2001 - 12:02:13 EST


I can't say that I've seen that problem before, but you can modify what
messages are sent to the console.

Save a backup copy of /etc/syslog.conf and open syslog.conf. Look for
(probably) the first line that's something like this:

kern.* /dev/console

change it to something like

kern.* /var/log/kernel

or wherever you store your log files. If there is anything else in that
file that says /dev/console, you might want to send that info to a text
file, too.

If you still want to get kernel error messages, then add this line.

kern.err /dev/console

I can't say what priority of error the one you are describing is, but
hopefully the .err will filter the less important info. Check out 'man
syslog.conf', too.

- Mike Johnson

On 19 Jan 2001 06:06:26 -0600, Heath Henderson wrote:

> Hello all, I am writing this in hopes that someone knows of my problem. It
> isn't really a problem but more of an irritation. I just upgraded our DNS
> server RH 6.2 from Kernel 2.2.12 to 2.2.16. All went well but now After a
> reboot I get Reverse Lookup failure errors. They hit our Proxy server and
> die, but I am not sure why they are being displayed. They look like the
> following
> IP_MasQ:Reverse ICMP:failed checksum from
> (Where is our Proxy server)
> I am not sure how it was set up before, but I am sure that it is possible to
> turn this display off so as I do not see this when I am in the middle of
> working on things on this box. I am not sure why it does this, but I need
> to turn off the constant display of this.
> Any help would be great.
> Thanks
> Heath Henderson

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