Re: That old alias thing again

Subject: Re: That old alias thing again
From: Axel Rose (
Date: Sat Aug 25 2001 - 11:50:04 EDT

The only solution there is besides having a HFS on the server
is to build and maintain a database recording IDs for each file.
A HFS disk ensures permanent IDs. Otherwise only a database can.

With the commercial software packages it took also quite a while
until this was stable. Furthermore it needs careful administration.

Don't forget that aliases are used internally in documents of
all kind.

I'd love to hear that such a server desktop database is considered
by developers. If not you will inevitably end with corrupted
Quark files for instance if the IDs change by a remount, a restart
or whatever.

A probable solution would involve another set of netatalk owned files,
more configuration, another server daemon, a lot of work and in the
beginning surely more user frustration compared to the few who actually
complain about alias problems now. I don't know anything about the
development resources but can imagine that arguments are there ...


At 8:26 Uhr -0400 25.08.2001, Lee Blevins wrote:
>Will the broken alias thing ever be fixed?
>I keeps netatalk from ever being a serious fileserver for my company.
>Why hasn't this got the attention it should?
>Netatalk is the only AFP that has this problem that I know of.

Well - others had their problems too ...

   Axel Rose                               "Was man nicht weiß,
   Springer & Jacoby                        das eben braucht man.
   Digital GmbH & Co. KG                    Und was man weiß,                       kann man nicht brauchen."

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